Metacritic hollow knight pc
Metacritic hollow knight pc

Luego el viaje rápido está muy muy mal hecho, solo tienes 1 viaje rápido por zona y las zonas son bastante grandes. FUN! Then once you get back up there you find out it's the wrong way! FUN! … ExpandĬANSADO Te pasas más tiempo perdido, sin saber donde ir y dando vueltas sin ningún sentido que jugando. FUN! You spend 15 minutes climbing up an area then the floor collapses under you and you have to spend another 10 minutes climbing back up. Naturally you'll die numerous times, and thus have to repeat the entire thing over and over. Memorize all the attack patterns, dodge for 15 seconds, hit him once, repeat 30+ times. IE: you dodge for 20 seconds then hit him once. It just goes way overboard with the difficulty that even with invincibility on some of the bosses are ridiculous. This is the type of game that has the mentality of "extremely hard = fun". I just tried to get it over with as quickly as possible. It would be a total waste of time doing the same monotonous things over and over. If a trainer/mods for invincibility wasn't available I'd have uninstalled early on. There are other areas where you can get trapped in an area you don't have the movement abilities to get out of, and you do a web search and find out it's common and the solution is to quit to the main menu to teleport back to a save point. Another example is a spot that is nothing special but it just so happens that there's a combination/timing that is ridiculously hard to do in an area that you should just be quickly passing through. You have to do a web search once you reach a point where it's mandatory to progress, and you'll find out that lots of other people played 15+ hours of the game so far without knowing about it as well. There's a core gameplay mechanic it never tells you about. that seems poorly designed and unresponsive. There's much about the combat, enemies, level design, etc. There are poor design things like your basic attack pushing you backwards so if you ever attack someone when you're near an edge (extremely common) you fall off and frequently die or have to trek back up a long path. There's a bug where it sometimes doesn't register a jump when you're near an edge. And there's so much back tracking through areas you've already been in. There are no real objectives or objective markers, you kind of just wander around a massive maze. And actually it doesn't get that much better. Map is awful, for the first 1+ hour of the game you just run around aimlessly. Bad games like this make you thankful for good ones like Ori and Sundered. This kind of extremely overrated game is why I'm going to stick to "try before you buy".

metacritic hollow knight pc

And Just a much worse all-around version of Ori and Sundered.

metacritic hollow knight pc

Just a much worse all-around version of Ori and Sundered.

Metacritic hollow knight pc